Can AWS Verified Access be used for accessing RDS cluster in a private VPC without using VPN


Is there a way to leverage AWS Verified Access to enable developers to connect to RDS cluster from their local machine without using VPN? I have done quite some research but haven't found a way to do it yet. If there's another way to accomplish this without VPN I am all ears :)

We are using Aurora Serverless v2 so DataApi is not available to us sadly

2 Answers

Hiya, try this:

Create a Verified Access group and policy. The group will define the users who are allowed to access the RDS cluster, and the policy will define the conditions that must be met for access to be granted. Create a Verified Access endpoint for the RDS cluster. The endpoint will be the address that developers will use to connect to the cluster. Configure the RDS cluster to accept connections from the Verified Access endpoint. Configure the developers' machines to connect to the Verified Access endpoint.

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answered 9 months ago

Hi, There isn't a direct way to leverage AWS Verified Access to connect to an RDS cluster from a local machine without using a VPN. The quick and easy method is using SSH Tunneling via a bastion. Please refer to the document: If you would like trace the user activity for security purposes, you can enable database auditing.

answered 9 months ago

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