Defining and managing identities for your applications across regions, edge locations, availability zones, and local zones.


I'm going through the AWS Skill Builder exam prep course for Certified Developer - Associate, and am on the video "Lesson 2: Implement authentication and authorization for application and AWS services". The narrator says to dive deeper into defining and managing identities for your applications across regions, edge locations, availability zones, and local zones.

I googled that, and looked at the documentation for IAM, but I couldn't find anything that directly addresses it. Is it any different from defining and managing identities in IAM?

Edit: To be clear, I'm already familiar with IAM best practices and how to define and manage identities in IAM. I'm specifically interested in how it changes for applications across regions, etc, because that's what the training video said to know for the exam.

1 Answer


A good entry point for your question is the page of Best Practices for Identity Management:

It has plenty of links that will help to dive deep into each of the topics related to solid identity management.

Those 2also interesting:

Also, watch this video of a re.Inforce (AWS security conference) presentation



profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
  • Thank you. I checked out the links, but unfortunately, none of them answer my question because they don't make any reference to regions, edge locations, availability zones, or local zones.

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