Is there a upload limit or session timeout/idle timeout received in S3 Glacier Vault?


Is there a upload limit or session timeout/idle timeout received in S3 Glacier Vault?

I'm using veritas NetBackup and I add a S3 Glacier Vault as my backup archival storage. We already increase our internet bandwidth but the backup tool during upload/duplicate to cloud storage didn't utilize the maximum bandwidth speed. (Note: we already maximize the limit in backup tool settings) I'm wondering if there's a settings that we need to consider also in AWS part. Thank you in advance.

asked 6 months ago151 views
1 Answer

As of right now there is no upload limit or session timeout received in S3 Glacier Vault. I would encourage you to look at these factors for not achieving the tool's set bandwidth.

  1. AWS Service Limits - While S3 Glacier doesn't have specific upload speed limits, AWS has service-wide limits on various operations, including the number of requests and the amount of data you can transfer. Please check you are not hitting any of these limits.
  2. Networking/Bandwidth Issues - The upload speed to S3 Glacier is influenced by your network conditions, including available bandwidth and potential network congestion, even though you set your tool to hit a certain bandwidth, without a secure, strong internet connection you will not achieve the set bandwidth.
answered 5 months ago

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