Why does my aurora RDS instance fails to connect across multiple applications ?


Currently, I have an Aurora RDS Instance which hosts multiple databases , each database belongs to a different application. As I was trying to test my rate limit on API gateway on one of the applications. This application started to send internal server error. It was not able to connect to the database anymore. The problem is that some of my other applications fail to connect to the database instance. Taking into consideration that I was using the endpoint of the writer instance. How can this happen ? And what should I do to prevent this from happening again ?

2 Answers

Hi Mahmoud,

  1. Check Connection Limits: Your testing may have reached the maximum number of database connections allowed.
  2. Review Rate Limits: Ensure that the API Gateway's rate limits are not too restrictive.
  3. Analyze Logs: Look at the RDS logs to identify any error patterns or resource constraints.
  4. Implement Monitoring: Set up monitoring and alerts for database metrics to catch issues early.
  5. Use Connection Pooling: If not already, use connection pooling to manage database connections efficiently.
  6. Test Incrementally: Increase load gradually during testing to identify breaking points without overwhelming the system.

Hope this helps.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

To prevent your Aurora instance from failing to connect across multiple applications, especially during high load scenarios like testing rate limits on API Gateway, consider these steps:

  • Ensure your applications use connection pooling efficiently and that the pool size is appropriately configured to handle peak loads without overwhelming the database.
  • Keep an eye on metrics such as CPU usage, memory, and connection numbers. Scale your database resources accordingly to manage increased loads.
  • Add retry logic for database connections in your applications to handle temporary failures smoothly.
  • Distribute load across multiple instances by using Aurora's reader endpoints for read-only queries, if your workload permits.
  • Implement rate limiting in your applications or through API Gateway to avoid overloading your systems. Circuit breaker patterns can help prevent a series of failures under heavy load.

Adopting these strategies can improve the resilience and scalability of your database and its connections, minimizing the chance of similar connectivity issues in the future.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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