How can I log byte-range information of Byte-Range fetches


Hi, I need to log S3 bucket access (PutObject, GetObject operations) history. One important feature I have to log in to the logging result is Byte-Range information of the GetObject operations when they are byte-range fetches.

I tried two logging options that AWS provides: S3 Server Access Logging and CloudTrail. However, neither of them actually stores Byte-Range information when I tested with byte-range fetch operations. I think this information should be delivered to the S3 server in the requests' HTTP header, but it seems like even CloudTrail does not store that part of the header.

Please let me know if there is anything I can try more or any solution to log this enough information.


1 Answer


  1. Using S3 Server access logs, you can look for the Bytes Sent field in your GetObject operations.

  2. Using Athena, you should able to analyze the contents of the logs.

Thank you,

answered 10 months ago

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