Unable to launch the following solution from Sagemaker jumpstart: Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions using Deep Graph Library


The solution could not be launched. Errors from CloudFormation: [{LogicalResourceId : SC-695657518426-pp-fihw4ilwhvf6u, ResourceType : AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, StatusReason : The following resource(s) failed to create: [SageMakerEndpointStack]. Rollback requested by user.}, {LogicalResourceId : SageMakerEndpointStack, ResourceType : AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, StatusReason : Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:695657518426:stack/SC-695657518426-pp-fihw4ilwhvf6u-SageMakerEndpointStack-16DP1LZW9RDSF/db80b940-0eb1-11ed-b37d-020cb2efa270 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [Model]. }, {LogicalResourceId : DataPreprocessingLambda, ResourceType : AWS::Lambda::Function, StatusReason : Resource creation Initiated}, {LogicalResourceId : GraphModellingLambda, ResourceType : AWS::Lambda::Function, StatusReason : Resource creation Initiated}, {LogicalResourceId : SageMakerEndpointStack, ResourceType : AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, StatusReason : Resource creation Initiated}, {LogicalResourceId : SC-695657518426-pp-fihw4ilwhvf6u, ResourceType : AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, StatusReason : User Initiated}]

asked 2 years ago310 views
1 Answer

It seems like there is a permission issue with the CloudFormation stack caused by your domain location, thus a resolution would be to use the reduced permissions mode feature for AWS environments to manually create the CloudFormation stack for s3.

This problem seems to have a similiar solution as the following troubleshooting case in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW): https://docs.cloudera.com/data-warehouse/cloud/troubleshooting/topics/dw-trblshoot-aws-env-activation-failure.html?

Here's an outline of the steps:

  1. Remove one of the permissions in your IAM permissions policy for the AWS account that you used to register the environment you want to activate.
  2. Follow the steps in https://docs.cloudera.com/data-warehouse/cloud/aws-environments/topics/dw-aws-reduced-perms-mode-activating-environments.html
  3. After you activate the environment and create the AWS CloudFormation stack resources in your AWS account, make sure that you apply the required tags to the stack that are listed in Required tags for CloudFormation stacks created with reduced permissions mode found here: https://docs.cloudera.com/data-warehouse/cloud/aws-environments/topics/dw-aws-reduced-perms-mode-required-tags.html
  4. Add the s3:CreateBucket IAM permission back to your IAM permissions policy to make sure you have adequate permissions so CloudFormation stack resources can be created for you when you activate environments later.

Hope this helps.

answered 2 years ago

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