I can't access with Test User when installing CLI


Hello, I am following this tutorial to install CLI on my local machine and I finished here where i need to create a user to test its access.

More specifically i am stuck at this point because AWS doesn't recognize the user i created. I have already tried to reset the password to fix the problem but no luck. Any idea?

1 Answer


Did you create an IAM Identity Center user and not an IAM user?
IAM users and IAM Identity Center users are different, so please check whether the correct user has been created in the IAM Identity Center console.
Also, when you access the IAM Identity Center console, you should be able to see the "AWS access portal URL" as shown in the image below, so try signing in from here.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Yes, i have created the user in IAM Identity Center and tried to login from the mentioned Access portal link, but didn't work.

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