Getting images from private s3 bucket and display it on the website


Hello everyone, i am new to aws and i really overwhelmed by all the services that on my screen. I am building a website and i should store some images and pdf files in my database but since its not a good practice i wanted to store these in a cloud service. After some research i found the aws as the best option. I followed some tutorials on the internet about s3, created a bucket and succesfully stored some files. But right now i can only put images to my s3 bucket. I need to display the images on the website for my users but everytime i try there is an "access denied" error message pops up. I am using the right access key and correct iam user. I changed my bucket access to public and it worked but i dont want it to be public. How can i do it? Can you help me please? Thanks.

asked a year ago2343 views
1 Answer

You can serve content from a private bucket using CloudFront. See this article for setting this up: How do I use CloudFront to serve a static website hosted on Amazon S3?.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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