HTTP API Gateway returning 413 error "Request Entity Too Large". context.dataProcessed is 3604554


I'm trying to debug an issue with receiving a 413 error "Request Entity Too Large" when POSTING some data to our HTTP API using the API gateway.

This involves sending some binary data and the file is 2.6 MB. I'm aware the API gateway has payload limits but we seem to be far below that.

In the API Gateway logs, I've logged the $context.dataProcessed field and it is 3604554 bytes.

Any advice? The HTTP API will route the request to an HTTP server running on elastic beanstalk configured for only 1 instance (no load balancing)

Help greatly appreciated!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I fixed it by adjusting nginx client max body size, per this article:

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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