allow client devices to connect to Greengrass core device without internet



I have worked with Greengrass version 1 (GGv1) and currently exploring the Greengrass version 2 (GGv2) .

In GGv1, the connected devices (also called Greengrass devices) were able to connect to Greengrass core even when Greengrass core is not connected to internet.

But in GGv2, the Client devices were unable to connect to Greengrass core when internet is not available to Greengrass core .
This seems in contradict with the principle of act locally and local first .

Is it possible to change this behavior and allow Client devices to be able to connect to Greengrass core when internet is not available to Greengrass core in GGv2?

asked 3 years ago476 views
1 Answer

Hi edgegoldberg,
Thanks for using Greengrass and the client devices integration. We are aware of this gap and requirement and have this in our backlog. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a timeline on when this will be available.

Thanks again for providing your request.

answered 3 years ago
  • Hello, we are also considering using GGV2 and AWS IoT Core to manage our IoT things, we are facing the same issue with MQTT clients devices authentication requires internet connectivity. Since the answer was published ~1 year ago, is there any update regarding this issue?

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