AWS Glue ETL from SQL Server DB on premises to Snowflake on AWS cloud


Need to know if it is possible and feasible to do ETL with help of AWS Glue from SQL Server DB on premises(JDBC Connector used ) to Snowflake(JDBC Connector)?

asked 2 years ago1790 views
1 Answer

yes, it is.

AWS Glue offers a native connector for SQL server and has a connector available for in the Glue connector Marketplace for SnowFlake.

you can refer to this post to set up the connectivity to on-premises and to this other post to view how to use the Snowflake connector.

hope this helps

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks Fabrizio@AWS, Do we need to store data in S3; or we can directly fetch the data from SQL Server and do the transformation and pushes directly into Snowflake? What do you suggest ?

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