Greengrassv2 mqtt raw connection - messages I do not understand


I am doing some tests performing a connection using a generic mqtt client (mosquitto or paho). I can connect and send message to the AWS IoT Core and receiving them with the Mqtt Test client (WEB). I also receive a bunch of other messages that I do not understand. What is the purpose of those messages? Why I am receiving them? What are they saying?

  "shadowName": "AWSManagedGreengrassV2Deployment",
  "thingName": "MyDeviceId"
  "thingName": "MyDeviceId-gci"
  "code": 404,
  "message": "No shadow exists with name: 'MyDeviceId~AWSManagedGreengrassV2Deployment'"
  "code": 404,
  "message": "No shadow exists with name: 'MyDeviceId-gci'"


asked 5 months ago202 views
1 Answer


Any MQTT topics that start with $aws/things/thingName/shadow are topics reserved for device shadow

AWSManagedGreengrassV2Deployment is reserved for Greengrass to manage deployments that target individual core devices

answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago

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