except block is not working in try except in python


I am trying to get list of pods from specific namespace in aws lambda (python).

Its giving right and expected list of pods. But When I pass wrong namespace, it is not skipping the try block and not catching the except block to return the correct response. Any reason for this ?

`import json from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException

def get_pods(namespace: str, apiCoreclient: object):

response_output = {}
response_output["statusCode"] = 200    

retList = []
items = apiCoreclient.list_namespaced_pod(namespace).items
for item in items:
        response_output['Pods'] = json.dumps({"Pods": retList})

    except ApiException as e:
        response_output["error"] = e.reason
        response_output["statusCode"] = e.status

response_output["isBase64Encoded"] = "False"       
return json.dumps(response_output)`
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asked a year ago249 views
2 Answers

Exception handling catches any occurrences within a try.
I think we need to put "items = apiCoreclient.list_namespaced_pod(namespace).items" in the try to get the list of pods.
So I thought it was necessary to do the following.

import json 
from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException

def get_pods(namespace: str, apiCoreclient: object):

response_output = {}
response_output["statusCode"] = 200    

retList = []
    items = apiCoreclient.list_namespaced_pod(namespace).items
    for item in items:
        response_output['Pods'] = json.dumps({"Pods": retList})
except ApiException as e:
    response_output["error"] = e.reason
    response_output["statusCode"] = e.status

response_output["isBase64Encoded"] = "False"       
return json.dumps(response_output)
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answered a year ago


In order to prevent unauthorized users sniffing the existence of namespace, Kubernetes returns a 200 HTTP status code with an empty items array when it does not exist. Therefore, I think that your application behaves as is.

kubectl get --raw /api/v1/namespaces/non-exist/pods

(Example copied from the following Kubernetes Github issue)

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answered a year ago

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