CPU Credit out of bounds - Wordpress websites unresponsive


I am running a small EC2 server (t3.small) with 4 very simple Wordpress websites and very little traffic. The Wordpress database is running on RDS. There really shouldn't be much load on the server. However, over and over the websites go offline and can't be reached. A Jetpack plugin on each site notifies me when a site if offline and back online again.

I started to setup Cloudwatch and realized that my CPU Credit goes way over the allotment:

Enter image description here

Any tips for solving this issues would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Dieter

asked 6 months ago219 views
1 Answer


Looking at the document below, the baseline for t3.small is a low number.
Therefore, I suspect that t3.small will no longer be able to handle EC2 hosting four WordPress sites at the same time.

There may be other causes, so I think it would be a good idea to check the EC2 system logs.

Why not try using a general-purpose instance type that does not burst, such as m7i instead of t3?

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answered 6 months ago

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