DR or backup in unsupported region


What are the solutions or options to do backup of RDS DB and EC2 instances where backup service is unavailable in regions like (Zurich or UAE)

1 Answer
Accepted Answer
answered a year ago
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reviewed 18 days ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I can't find the Lifecycle Manager in the Zurich EC2 dashboard. Is there any other way to backup EC2 Zurich instances?

  • Hi there!

    So effectively this means that long term backups (beyond 35 days) within the same region can only be created through manual RDS snapshots? Are the manual snapshots kept for a certain time duration or indefinitely?

    This seems quite unsatisfactory for any company in a regulated environment (e.g. a FinTech needing to keep backups of CID in Switzerland).

    Is there a timeline or ETA by when S3 snapshots will come to the Zurich region?

    Best and many thanks in advance!

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