How to setup health check for elastic beanstalk single/worker environment


I want to run the background jobs on a separate Elastic Beanstalk environment. I created an EB environment for workers - with a single instance (no load balancer). The application seems to be working fine on the server, but the health check is always "red"...

I knew how to set up the health check for the load balancer environment, but for the single-instance environment, there is no place to set up the health configs... How can I set up the health for a single instance?

asked 2 months ago250 views
1 Answer

💡 For single-instance environments, Elastic Beanstalk directly monitors the health of the EC2 instance without a load balancer. This means the setup and management of health checks are handled differently, primarily through instance status checks rather than the load balancer's health checks.

ℹ️ If your health checks are showing red, it indicates that your environment has failed three or more health checks, or a critical resource within the environment has become unavailable. This status typically means that requests are consistently failing.

⚡ Verify that the security groups are properly configured to allow AWS to access the necessary ports for health checks. Typically, health checks are performed on the HTTP port that your application listens on, which is often port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS.

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answered 2 months ago
  • So, even worker server should serve? especially http - /health endpoint?

  • This is an excellent question. As outlined in the AWS documentation on Single instance and worker tier environment health checks, Elastic Beanstalk assesses the health of an instance in single instance or worker tier environments by monitoring the status of its Amazon EC2 instance. However, in a worker tier environment where servers operate primarily in the background, HTTP health checks are not applicable. Instead, the system relies on basic EC2 instance status checks to monitor health. You can find more detailed information on these checks in the guide on Status checks for your instances.

  • My EC2 instance was green but the EBS status was red. Any idea why this could happen? Some issue with security group??

  • Security group settings typically influence network access to and from your EC2 instances but do not directly affect the status of the EBS volumes. EBS issues are generally related to the storage layer rather than network or security configurations.

  • can you check the EBS status check?

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