Cost for Moving Data from S3 Standard IA to S3 Glacier IR


Case as follows: (Region: Japan) Data in S3 Standard IA: 1.4PB / 1.5 billion objects

I want to move them to S3 Glacier IR


  1. Am I charged 0.02/1000 object for transition?
  2. If using transition am I charged for GET requests from S3 Standard IA?
  3. If using transition am I charged for PUT requests to S3 Glacier IR?
  4. If I'm using transition am I paying for data retrieval from S3 Standard IA?

What would be the total cost for this operation?

2 Answers

Thank you for contacting AWS.

Please allow me to address each query separately :

  1. Am I charged 0.02/1000 object for transition?
    --> Yes you will be charged 0.02/1000 for one object transition.

  2. If using transition am I charged for GET requests from S3 Standard IA?
    --> You are only charged for Lifecycle transition requests and not GET requests from S3 Standard IA.

  3. If using transition am I charged for PUT requests to S3 Glacier IR?
    --> You are only charged for Lifecycle transition requests and not PUT requests to Glacier IR.

  4. If I'm using transition am I paying for data retrieval from S3 Standard IA?
    --> You will not be charged for data retrieval from Standard IA. The charges will be only for Lifecycle transition requests.

  5. What would be the total cost for this operation?
    --> We would request you to please use S3 Pricing calculator to get an estimation of the charges :

Please let us know if you have further queries or concerns.

answered 8 months ago

The transition of objects from Amazon S3 Standard-IA to S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval (IR) will incur certain charges. Here's a breakdown of the costs associated with this transition, based on the available information:

Transition Costs: AWS imposes per-request ingest charges for using PUT, COPY, or lifecycle rules to transition data into any S3 storage class, including S3 Glacier IR​1​​2​. However, the exact cost per 1,000 objects for transitioning from S3 Standard-IA to S3 Glacier IR is not specified in the resources accessed.

GET Requests from S3 Standard-IA: There might be charges for GET requests from S3 Standard-IA, but the exact charges are not provided in the accessed resources.

PUT Requests to S3 Glacier IR: The transition to S3 Glacier IR would involve PUT requests, and as mentioned, there are per-request ingest charges for such operations​1​​2​.

Data Retrieval Costs: There's no explicit information on whether there would be data retrieval charges from S3 Standard-IA during the transition. However, it's advisable to assume that standard data retrieval charges may apply unless otherwise stated.

S3 Glacier IR Storage Costs: Once the data is in S3 Glacier IR, you would be charged for the storage. The pricing for S3 Glacier IR storage in the Japan region is not specified in the accessed resources, but it's noted to be $0.004 per GB-month in the US East (N. Virginia) Region​3​.

answered 7 months ago

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