Lightsail Database is stuck in the modifying state for 10 months


Last April, I tried to restore a Lightsail Database. The new database came up but never moved out of the modifying state. I worked with billing support, but the guides they gave me didn't help. I've tried to stop and delete the database using the CLI, but it doesn't work. There are no options to do so from the console. I'm certain I need an AWS tech to intervene. I guess my question is, can I get help with that through this forum, or do I need to pay for support?

asked 2 years ago388 views
1 Answer

Hello @chrismcgahan,

Thanks for using Lightsail.

Please reach out to customer support and ask them to pass your case to the Lightsail team, we'll help you unblock the database.


answered 2 years ago

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