Point Route 53 Domain to Lightsail Instance


Hi, I have a Lightsail Instance, 1 Domain, and a new EC2 Instance. Everything works fine. I'm following a book that needs me to change the Hostnames and the Name Servers. I found a page on AWS explaining how to point my Route 53 Domain to my Lightsali Instance.


It's not the same as the book but I think it's what I need. Here's the instructions from the book...

"Log into your GoDaddy (or similar) account after purchasing a domain
Select your domain, click manage, and select Advanced DNS
Next, set up Hostnames in the DNS Management to point to your Server
ns1 (and put the IP of your VPS server)
ns2 (and put the IP of your VPS server)
Edit Nameservers to Custom
Add ns1.loca1host.com
Add ns2.loca1host.com"

So, where is DNS Management in AWS? I've tried to figure it out on my own. (Including the first link.) Here's what I have...

*My AWS Domain has all the default settings. (I didn't erase any.)
I added: Hostnames
"A – IPv4 address" with my Lightsail Static IP and it's private IP.
"CNAME" with "www" in front of "mydomain.com"

I used the first link to point to my Lightsail (Static) IP. I'm not sure if that works. I don't know how to change my "Hostname." Where do I find that? My Lightsail Terminal says "ip-my-ip-address. Is that my hostname? Secondly, I don't know if I set up the Nameservers right. I know I should have ns1 and ns2. Should I use loca1host.com like in the book? Or my VPS IP? Or what?

So, how do I change my hostname and nameservers? To point to my Lightsail Instance? Should I delete old nameservers? I can find those. The AWS link doesn't show any "ns1" and "ns2". So where's my DNS management and hostnames? This is probably an easy question. Please reply. Thanks

asked 4 years ago615 views
2 Answers

Anyone? I will use anyway of pointing to my Lightsail Instance and edit Name Servers. Any links or methods. Please reply. Thanks

answered 4 years ago

Hello, I figured it out. I found a video on YouTube on Route 53 to Lightsail. It's below. I had to click "Home" on Lightsail, add DNS, and copy it's name servers. Then went to Route 53, deleted all Hosted Zones for my Domain, and copied the name servers from Lightsail (DNS above.) Now I'm waiting to propagate and hear back from AWS. I'll report back if I need anything.


answered 4 years ago

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