Can I add a new subnet to my existing EKS cluster?


With release of: Can I do it now? If I am reading the post correctly, I can only modify the EKS cluster with its existing subnets, but not create and assign a new subnet to it.

asked 7 months ago584 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you read the release note correctly, it does mention:

When changes are made to underlying VPC resources, such as new subnets associated with VPC expansion, existing EKS clusters can now be updated to stay in sync without the need to create new clusters.

Moreover, if you look at the original GitHub Issue [1], there's a note which says:

The subnets passed through an update API call must comprise the same set of AZs as originally passed when creating the cluster.

These points make it clear enough that it is possible to add more subnets.



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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you! I just want to double confirm.

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