Embedded Q search bar not displaying


The QuickSight search bar was previously functional but is now failing to load or display according to a report from the client. Upon investigation, no errors were found on the client side. Similarly, examination of the Lambda function responsible for generating the URL, utilizing the GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserCommand , did not reveal any errors. The generated URL appears to be valid, although confirmation is needed.

The steps outlined in the documentation for integrating the QuickSight embedded analytics Q search bar for authenticated users were followed meticulously. Embedding the Amazon QuickSight Q search bar for registered users - Amazon QuickSight.

The console messages from the QuickSight SDK suggest that everything is in order without any apparent issues. However, the search bar is still not functioning as expected.

asked 3 months ago98 views
1 Answer


The issue could be due to an older version of Embedding SDK being used. Could you kindly confirm that you are using the latest sdk version, and if so, please open a support case with AWS using the following link so that an engineer can investigate and provide you possible mitigation measures.

Thank you !!

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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