Acceptable Credit Cards during Sign Up - AWS India


Hi, While signing up a new account it would be beneficial for the customers to know which Credit Cards / Debit Cards are acceptable. Does AWS India accept RuPay Card during Sign Up? If No, this needs to be added on the page for the customers to understand what cards are acceptable. Thanks

asked a year ago868 views
1 Answer

The below article mentions what payment methods can be used to pay AWS bill. From the article, it is mentioned for Amazon Web Services India Private Limited (AWS India) accounts supports Credit and debit cards issued by Visa, MasterCard, RuPay, or American Express.

Reference -

answered a year ago
  • Hi, My question is specifically about "Sign Up" which I believe is different than the acceptable payment method. Payment method is when we are trying to pay an Invoice / Transaction and Sign Up is the process when I am setting up my account using and asks me to setup a payment method. I provided the link for "Create and Activate a New AWS account" in my original question.

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