Can anyone help for a voucher for AWS-DAS-C01 speciality certification please?


Currently unemployed, and planning to go for this certification, Is there any chance I could get a voucher for this exam please? Any help would be deeply appreciated!

asked 9 months ago309 views
2 Answers

Hi, Can I suggest another path to get some official AWS badges for free?

Open an account on AWS Skillbuilder and search for "badge", you will find multiple free trainings leading you to an official badge delivered by AWS.


Take those classes, pass the exams and get the badges, all for free! With those badges in your profile, your next employer may will be willing to pay for the additional certification(s) that you want. BTW, most of them are granted forever.



profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

I may suggest you reach out to your local AWS service partners. They are providing some promotion from one time to another. I got my first voucher from AWS China. They were providing a 50% off voucher. Then, I started my journey to go through other certification.

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answered 9 months ago

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