How can I list just the subcommands from AWS CLI help command


Hi, I am trying to write automation to generate cli skeletons for all sub-commands related to an AWS service (e.g., aws ecs help). I haven't been able to find a "list-commands" operation that applies to all services and as a result have been running the help command and then manually copying and pasting the command list as input into another script to format the commands in a way for me to use in the script I am using to create skeleton files.

Does this functionality exist and if not, is there a process for requesting feature enhancements to the AWS CLI?

Thank you

asked 9 months ago260 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

To best of my knowledge, no there is no functionality of that sort available. If you have support plan, through which you can create case, you can definitely ask if this can be an intake for a feature.

If you have Enterprise Support, you can ask your AWS Account Team for same and they may put a request on your behalf. Be advised, such requests take time as it goes through multiple phases and may be deprioritized due to other critical requirements/priorities too.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • Awesome. Thank you

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