Amazon Managed Prometheus alarms not firing


I have a metric aws_rds_cpuutilization_average, that I can query from Grafana side. This metric is obtained from CloudWatch. When I create an alert 'expr: aws_rds_cpuutilization_average > 0' it's not firing. The alert manager is configured correctly because 'expr: vector(1)' is firing.

1 Answer

Since you said the alert manager is configured correctly . could you please do the below checks

Permissions: Ensure that the IAM role or user associated with Grafana has the necessary permissions to access CloudWatch metrics. Verify that the IAM policy allows for cloudwatch:GetMetricData and cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics actions.

CloudWatch Alarms: Check if there are any existing CloudWatch alarms configured for the aws_rds_cpuutilization_average metric. If there are alarms already set up in CloudWatch, they may be conflicting with the Grafana alert

You could also refer to this:-

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answered 3 months ago
  • Grafana is querying Amazon Prometheus in my case with in turn obtain the metric from CloudWatch. Alarms I set up in Prometheus also through alarm definition where 'expr: aws_rds_cpuutilization_average > 0'.

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