not reload single Dag file on Airflow UI


i'm trying to execute my dag file to upload S3 bucket

but, cant see the task on Airflow UI when i checked the same issue in google search and referenced the documentation(, it could not resolved my issue..

  1. all inbound traffic is allowd by default setting

  2. i cant see any log on cloudwatch

the heaerbeat of scheduler is keeping updating.

asked 7 months ago137 views
1 Answer

When you say cant see the task on Airflow UI, possibly the DAG is getting parsed and there were no tasks defined in it. If this is the case, then there is an issue with the calling out the task in the DAG, so you need to revisit the code. Also, you need to verify from the dag processing logs about the DAG files are being parsed in it or not. For any parsing error, it should also appear in DAG processing logs.

if the scheduler is loosing heartbeat means that there is some issue with the scheduler, check CPU/memory utilization from CloudWatch metrics.

Note: this is a public forum, so please sensitize the code/logs before sharing.

answered 24 days ago

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