Adding Percentage Unit to AWS CloudWatch Gauge Display


Good afternoon, Dear,

I'm encountering an issue with AWS CloudWatch. I've created a dashboard that exposes the Freeablememory metric of an RDS in a gauge. However, I wasn't satisfied with just the free memory; I would like to display the percentage of memory occupied. So, I processed the data as follows:

m1 freeablememory e2 8e+9 (total RAM in bytes in scientific notation) + m1 e3 (m1/e2) * 100 (to obtain the percentage)

Indeed, it returned the value in percentage but does not display the unit %. How can I add it?

Looking forward to your response.

Thank you.

asked 4 months ago367 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Paulo In the program language you need to modifying the dashboard, you can use the setWidgetMetricFormat API call.In the JSON used to define the widget, specify the format of the metric to include the "%" symbol.

"metrics": [ [ "AWS/RDS", "FreeableMemory", "DBInstanceIdentifier", "your-instance", { "id": "m1" } ], [ { "expression": "m1 / 8e+9 * 100", "label": "Memory Used (%)", "id": "e1", "unit": "Percent" } ] ],

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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