Related which are the services are still active


In April,i had used some of the paid services such as Relational database, and after that i have also pay the money for april as well as may month and i have also terminate all active services then also it is showing some of the services are still active in this month ,can you tell me which are the services are still active so that i can close all the active services

asked a year ago214 views
1 Answer

it is showing some of the services are still active in this month

Which services are showing up as active?

Be aware that even though you might have terminated all your databases, you might have snapshots or backups that still exist and will be chargeable. Also you may have databases in other regions that are not immediately apparent in the AWS Console.

To see what you have running and could potentially incur a charge, click on your name on the top right and select Billing Dashboard. Look at previous bills by selecting Bills from the left-hand pane and then scrolling down to Charges by Service (this also breaks things down by region, which is handy for spotting things in a region you forgot you used to do something in).

You can also take a look at AWS Cost Explorer

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answered a year ago

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