I am encountering the 'connect ETIMEDOUT Private IP:27017' error when attempting to connect to DocumentDB using MongoDB Compass.


I have deployed a DocumentDB cluster on AWS, utilizing the default VPC. The VPC Network ACL has been configured to allow access, and the security groups are set to permit all traffic, including access. The cluster is in the 'available' stage and is healthy. I have verified that my credentials are correct. However, I am still encountering the 'connect ETIMEDOUT Private IP:27017' error. I would appreciate assistance in resolving this issue.

  • Where are you attempting to connect from? From within the VPC or outside of the VPC?

    If you are connecting from outside the VPC, do you have a bastion in place? [1]

    [1] Outside the VPC: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/documentdb/latest/developerguide/connect-from-outside-a-vpc.html

  • Let's consider a scenario where I am within an internal Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). In this case, is it necessary to have a bastion server? Additionally, if I launch DocumentDB, can I connect directly without requiring a bastion server?

asked 6 months ago94 views
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