Migrate data from one DB to another DB


Hi Team,

I need advise on migrating data from one AWS DB running PostgreSQL in AWS to another DB running PostgreSQL also in AWS.

There are thousand's of tables within the DB that is to be migrated from source to destination and I was exploring Glue ETL but cannot find any reference material that can be leveraged. I do not need to continuously migrate data so I do not believe DMS service would be of help here.

There are other databases also where similar tasks is to be performed which have smaller number of tables and is running MySQL database and source / destination DB is within the same RDS instance.

Can someone advise on best way to migrate data from

  • Source DB to Destination DB within same RDS instance?
  • Source DB to Destination DB to a different RDS instance within same AWS account?
  • Source DB to Destination DB to a different RDS instance within different AWS account?
2 Answers

Have you tried looking into DMS (Database Migration Service)?


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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • I did, but I cannot find a way to select particular database (all tables within it) as the source and specific database as the destination when both databases are in same RDS instance.


As my friend said, use DMS or just use pgdump manually.

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answered 9 months ago

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