MWAA celery.worker_autoscale setup


Currently I am running my MWAA on small instance with:

celery.worker_autoscale = 5,5

And sometimes my tasks get SIGKILL, I assume it's because tasks are taking too many memory.

In this article :

I see recommendation: mw1.small - 5,0

How does this setup works in real life scenario? My understanding is that worker is limited to run 5 tasks, once there is queued tasks autoscaling adds additional worker, which also can run 5 tasks.

But then what's the difference between 5,0 and 5,5 ?

asked 4 months ago573 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, The celery.worker_autoscale property takes value in the order max_concurrency,min_concurrency, and determines how many concurrent tasks can run within a worker. As such, a value of 5,5 (default for MWAA small class) means a worker will always keep 5 processes at both minimum and maximum. Whereas, a value of 5,0 means a worker will start with 0 process, but can grow up to 5 process if necessary. In other words, for more resource intensive tasks, having 5,0 can potentially allow more resource to a task when there aren't many concurrent tasks. These values need to be tuned based on the chosen worker size (small, medium or large) and nature of the task.


I hope this helps.

answered 4 months ago

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