The behaviour of CloudFormation DependsOn is inconsistent given the same template


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I expect two CloudFormation stacks with the same CloudFormation template should always have the same behaviour. However, I notice there is a case CloudFormation will ignore the DependsOn attribute while performing stack deletion.

The case is, we create EIP and NLB via CDK first, then we create a custom resource with the DependsOn attribute via CDK. After the creation was completed, we will get the CloudFormation template as follows:

  "Resources": {
    "loadbalancer": {
      "Properties": {
        "SubnetMappings": [
            "AllocationId": {
              "Fn::GetAtt": [
      "DependsOn": [
    "eipA": {
    "customresourceA": {
      "Properties": {
        "ElasticIp": {
          "Ref": "eipA"

Based on this template, I assume the dependency is as follows:

  • loadbalancer depends on eipA and customresourceA
  • customresourceA depends on eipA

The desired order of stack creation should be:

  • eipA -> customresourceA -> loadbalancer

The desired order of stack deletion should be:

  • loadbalancer -> customresourceA -> eipA

However, when I performed stack deletion, CloudFormation deleted loadbalancer and customresourceA at the same time. It seems like CloudFormation ignored the DependsOn field of loadbalancer resource.


But, if I create EIP, NLB and custom resource at once, the CloudFormation can perform deletion in the correct order.


asked a year ago419 views
3 Answers

Woof, any feedback is welcome

answered 6 months ago

I am still alive and curious about this! Give me a shout if you are willing to accept this challenge. 🍺

answered 2 months ago

Hellooooooo (echo...) Any thought would be appreciated.

answered 2 days ago

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