If I change the root email address on an account, can I then reuse the old root email address for another account?


I know that if I close an account, I cannot reuse that email address as the root email address for another account. I also know that I can change the root email address on an active account. If I change the root email address, can I then reuse the original root email address for a new account, or is that previous address reserved somehow?

(I will go ahead and test this out since it should be easy enough to test.)

asked 4 months ago389 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Should release the email without issue. I would recommend using a unique email address for the account instead of a generic or shared email address so you don't run into this issue in the future.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Cool yeah I just got around to testing this and it did work.

    I am using "unique" email addresses (generated based on a formula) but we kinda wanted to reclaim a project name for something else, hence the question. But for now we don't have a need to actually do this.

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