error, "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'requests'"


I have written an AWS Lambda function in Python which uses the 'requests' library (and so has the line 'import requests').

When I test it, I get the error, "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'requests'".

I have zipped the 'requests' library folder and the 'requests-2.31.0.dist-info folder' into an archive and have uploaded this to a new AWS layer within the AWS console and have then added the layer to my function, but I still get the error.

Any idea what I've done wrong or missed?

asked 8 months ago1390 views
2 Answers


While creating the lambda layer zipped file, please make sure you zipped the content of the folder with the code, and not the folder itself [1].
Furthermore, please follow this troubleshooting guide [2].



profile picture
answered 8 months ago


please make sure that the AWS Lambda layer that you created has the required folder structure, see

Specifically, that the distro folder is within the python folder.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
  • Hi Ben, Thanks for your reply but I am very new to this, so it's no clearer yet. I am using the AWS console to create the layer and upload the zip file. I haven't seen a folder structure and just assumed that doing it this way would result in the layer being created in the right place. How can I view and edit the folder structure?

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