Name change for AWS certificate exam


Subject: Request for Name Correction in Exam Registration (Urgent - 2 Days of Attempted Contact)

Dear AWS Certification Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to urgently follow up on my previous emails regarding a correction to my name in my exam registration for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. I have been trying to address this issue for the past two days without a response. The current name on my registration, along with my Candidate ID and Registration ID, is as follows: AWS certificate account mail :

Candidate ID: AWS03941157 Registration ID: 460329628

Current Name: First Name: HARI KRISHNASYAM Last Name: VELAGAPUDI

I would like to request the following correction to my name:

Correction Requested: First Name: VELAGAPUDI HARI KRISHNA Last Name: SYAM

I understand the importance of having accurate information on my certification, and I would like to ensure that my name is correctly reflected on all official documents and records related to the exam.

If there are any additional steps or documents required to process this name correction, please let me know, and I will promptly provide the necessary information. I have been trying to resolve this matter for the past two days, and your prompt assistance in resolving this issue is crucial.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to your timely response.


asked 8 months ago339 views
2 Answers


Since re:Post is a community site, we cannot change the name you use for your AWS exam.
I believe you have already contacted us via the URL below, but all you can do is wait for the person in charge to contact you.

profile picture
answered 8 months ago

The name was updated yesterday as per your request, the name update takes 24 hours to propagate to all systems. Latest email with all details was sent to you. If you have any issues, please just reply to that email for further assistance.

answered 8 months ago

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