Mount EFS FileSystem to EC2 Linux/Unix Server cross account


Hi AWS, I am looking to mount the EFS FS from Account A to EC2 Linux/Unix instance in Account B. Both the filesystem and the server are in different VPCs. I was following this document as per prerequisites The VPCs of your NFS client and your EFS file system are connected using either a VPC peering connection or a VPC Transit Gateway. This allows Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances from the same or different accounts, to access EFS file systems in a different VPC.

We have TGWs in both the accounts but not sure if I have to create a TGW attachment like VPC Peering Connection.

Also I need to know the sequence of steps that needs to be followed in order to accomplish this. Also the instance and the filesystem are in the same AWS region across both accounts. The repost blog post might be missing the elaborative context so can you please help me with the overall process.

2 Answers

Heres a useful link of how to setup TGW and attach the VPCs

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

If you just have two VPCs, it would be easier or more cost efficient to use vpc peering. To use TGW, you need to share the TGW with another account using AWS RAM. Here is a how-to article. Another option is to use a shared VPC without using either vpc peering or TGW. So basically your EC2 and EFS will be in a shared VPC across two accounts. Refer to the bottom of this guide.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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