Convert AWS account || UTC to EST


i want to convert my complete aws account time zone(UTC) to EST.

is this possible?

anyone please help

2 Answers

i want to convert my complete aws account time zone(UTC) to EST.

patch manager shows time in UTC and my local zone is EST, every time i have to convert the time on patch operations.

answered 3 months ago
  • As far as I know, there is no way to change the time displayed in the patch manager (e.g., Created date on the baseline).

    AWS is improving screens and other features based on user feedback. I recommend sending feedback if it is useful to many people.


Can you give me some additional information?

You have an Amazon Timestream tag, but do you want to change the time zone in Amazon Timestream?

As you know, Timestream stores in UTC. I believe you can convert the time zone by using the from_iso8601_timestamp function.

SELECT from_iso8601_timestamp(concat(to_iso8601(date_trunc('hour', time)), '-05:00'))

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answered 3 months ago

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