Cloud Computing of Excel File


Im trying to learn how to use EC2 for cloud computing. My task is to upload an excel file to a server, have the server run all the calculations for me, and then I download the file once they are all complete. Can anyone walk me through how to do this?

2 Answers

What is the size of the file?
In some cases, it may be better to use AWS Glue instead of EC2.

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answered a year ago
  • For example, the event that an Excel file is put to S3 could be detected and Amazon EventBridge and Amazon SNS would launch Glue to put the file to S3 for download once the process is complete. If you are using EC2, you might want to send a message to Amazon SQS when an Excel file is put to S3, process the Excel file when you can poll the message from EC2 and put the file to S3 for download, etc.

  • The file is over 100 MB. How would glue work?


Solving this probably isn't related to high performance computing, but here's some pointers to possible ways to run Excel formula in an EC2 instance:

answered a year ago

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