AWS Certification Voucher status on exam cancellation and reschedule.


Hi Guys,

I have used the 50% voucher for registering the Developer associate exam (I have received the voucher after successfully passing the Associate Architect exam), now I need to cancel this exam and reschedule this exam at a different time.

would I be able to reuse the same voucher? (I canceled the exam and did not take the exam yet) when I plan to register for the exam at a different time.

Edited by: swaroopala on Sep 23, 2020 6:57 AM

asked 4 years ago4414 views
2 Answers


If you cancel your appointment and plan to schedule a new appointment with the same delivery partner (PSI or Pearson VUE), your voucher should be reinstated and available for use again. If you plan to switch from PSI to Pearson VUE or vice versa, you may experience an issue. If this happens, please submit a ticket to our Customer Service team at and we will investigate and resolve accordingly.

Best of luck on your exam!

AWS Certification

answered 4 years ago
  • Hello, AWS Team

    I got a 100% Discount voucher from ETC. By using the Voucher I got from ETC, I Scheduled My AWS CP Exam from the Test Centre. But yesterday I got an email from Pearson VUE and that said that It is not possible to conduct an exam at that exam center and they asked me to reschedule the exam to another center.

    But in my city only that one center is available near my home so, I want to cancel my exam and schedule it again by using the same ETC voucher. Is it possible for me to do that?

    Can I cancel the exam and Schedule the exam again by using the same Voucher if my Voucher expiration data is there?

    would I be able to reuse the same voucher? (I canceled the exam and did not take the exam yet) when I plan to register for the exam at a different time.

    If yes? Can you Please Say How I can Do that?

    Thanks & Regards


Hi Kim,

I really apprecaite you guys getting back to us real quick, this only enables us to focus on what is important learning and building great this and not to worry about trivial things :-).

You guys rock!!

answered 4 years ago

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