How do I stop an ECS deployment that does not use CodeDeploy? The ECS deployment is stuck in "In progress".


How do I stop an ECS deployment that does not use CodeDeploy? The ECS deployment is stuck in "In progress".

asked 2 years ago6484 views
1 Answer

If you are not using Circuit Breaker or CloudWatch Alarms to roll back your Deployment on failed ECS Tasks during the deployment you have to deploy a new Deployment with new Task Definition which will pass health checks, or revert the Task Definition version to the last known working version.

According to the blog post: "By default, when the tasks in a service are unable to reach a healthy state, the scheduler applies the service throttling logic to retry the deployments and it required manual intervention to cancel the deployments after a certain number of failed attempts."

ECS Deployment "stuck" in the "In progress" state is expected behavior.

answered a year ago

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