AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate : Benefits expiration?



Do the benefits that come with passing the Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam (i.e. discounts on your next certification exam) expire, or can you click the "Claim" button anytime?
Should I click the "Claim" button asap or is there no hurry to claim the benefits?

Thank you!

P.S. This was originally posted in the wrong forum.

asked 5 years ago605 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Vichan,
CORRECTION: Once a benefit is claimed it is good until the certification for which you obtained the benefit expires. If you never claim the benefit it will expire when the certification expires. Hope that helps!

AWS Training & Certification

answered 5 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago

Hi Vichan,
Once a benefit is claimed it is good for six months or until the certification for which you obtained the benefit expires, whichever comes first. If you never claim the benefit it will expire when the certification expires. Hope that helps!

AWS Training & Certification

answered 5 years ago

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