CVE remediation on fleet of EC2 instances


I need help on how to remediate CVE findings on fleet of Ec2 instances

asked a year ago596 views
1 Answer

Although I can provide a general process for remediating Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) AWS provides some services and tools for vulnerability management

  1. Amazon Inspector: Amazon Inspector is an automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. Amazon Inspector automatically assesses applications for exposure, vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices. After performing an assessment, Amazon Inspector produces a detailed list of security findings prioritized by level of severity.
  2. AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager: This tool automates the process of patching managed instances. You can patch fleets of Amazon EC2 instances or your on-premises servers and virtual machines (VMs) in hybrid environments. Patch Manager works with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide access control.
  3. AWS Security Hub: AWS Security Hub gives you a comprehensive view of your high-priority security alerts and compliance status across AWS accounts. It can ingest security findings from various services like Amazon Inspector, IAM Access Analyzer, Amazon Macie, and more.
  4. AWS Config: AWS Config can be used to review changes to your resources over time, which can help in tracking down the cause of a CVE or validating that a remediation was successful.

For remediation, you would typically use AWS Systems Manager, possibly in conjunction with other automation tools like AWS Lambda. The remediation itself (e.g., applying a patch, changing a security group rule, updating a software package) will depend on the nature of the specific CVE.

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answered a year ago

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