Connectors or Integrations for SAP Business One with a HANA Database?


Hello everyone,

I've been exploring integration options for SAP Business One running on a HANA database. While I'm aware of the AWS AppFlow connector for SAP (which seems primarily focused on SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA), I couldn't find definitive information about its support for SAP Business One.

Has anyone successfully used AWS AppFlow with SAP Business One on HANA? If not, are there other connectors or integration tools that you can recommend for connecting SAP Business One with a HANA database to other platforms or services?

Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

asked 8 months ago604 views
1 Answer

Hello! Thanks for the question. The quick answer is, that AppFlow does not currently provide connectors for SAP B1. The OData interfaces that AppFlow uses with SAP S/4HANA, through the SAP OData connector for Amazon AppFlow, are different than those provided with SAP B1.

SAP themselves provide connectors for extracting SAP B1 data, including software such as Crystal Reports which is often bundled with SAP B1 solutions. And while AWS does not provide any services that can address this use case directly, there are products listed in the AWS Marketplace, such as the CData AWS Glue Connector for SAP Business One, which can help you use AWS services such as AWS Glue to extract and process data from SAP B1 systems.

In all cases, it's important to understand the terms of your licensing with SAP and your database provider, of course; please refer to your licensing documentation to understand the impact of extracting data from SAP B1, using third party tools.

I'd also suggest you work through your AWS connections to link up with our SAP team in AWS, who can help you dive further.

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • You may also want to review the options shown in this SAP presentation, which is SAP's perspective on integrations available for B1.

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