What is the reason for an error when calling the InvokeEndpoint


Hi All,

I am currently using SageMaker studio classic to deploy Cohere-embed-multilingual-light-v3.0 notebook that is available in the SageMaker. The endpoint was created in advance and everything works fine until the cell with the payload. I am receiving the following error: CohereError: An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the InvokeEndpoint operation: Endpoint cohere-light-multi of account XXXXXXXXXXXX not found. The account number is part of the arn of the endpoint, as you might guess. This is a root account. I the endpoint configuration and the endpoint are created in advance and i could see they are active, the account ID is also specified correctly in the arn. What might be the reason and how to solve that?

asked 5 months ago130 views
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