I can't able to write aws cloud practitioner certification clf-02 exam due to not submitting original id but i had submit the original id.


Hi , This is Mohammad Saheem. I had scheduled my aws cloud practitioner certification exam on 27 nov 2024 with Pearson Vue But the centre admin has not accepted the id. And created a case mentioning that i have provided color xeror. I had submitted the original pan card which i have received from the government. Due to the light color shade i had rejected the id and asked me to provide another document. But i do only have the original pan.

If the print of color is light on the card then how come it is my responsibility. I had submitted the original. But yet he had created the case. Exam - aws cloud practitioner certification clf-02 Registration no - 467633391 Aws id -- AWS02772250‎

Registered caseid -- 10860383

Please reschedule or refund my exam.

i can't bear an lose of 100usd. Please reschedule the exam.

If required i can provide you all the required documents.

Thanks and regards Mohammad Saheem.

asked 4 months ago155 views
1 Answer

This kind of problem cannot be solved by re:Post.

Please get in touch with the AWS Training and Certification Team first. https://support.aws.amazon.com/#/contacts/aws-training

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answered 4 months ago

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