I have a server running outside AWS and I'm willing to migrate my DB to amazon AURORA. For dev purposes we installed the app on the same server we have and connected to a DB clone installed on AWS. The speed of the application is visibly slower when data is being accessed. Both servers run on the same US region (EAST), so its not likely to be connection delay, since the difference of speed from a page is from opening almost instantly to a page taking almost 1 second to open. Our DB atm is relatively small (500mb total size), so we've selected a T4g Medium server and Redis cache. All cache and proxies were installed, as suggested when creating a DB Aurora.

What can be causing this speed to be so slow?

  • Hi Gabriel,

    I am a bit confused with the current status of the application and the tests. As of now production runs completely outside AWS (DB and server on same or different hosts)? And your goal is to move the DB to AWS, server as well? Then you mentioned that you have created a dev env on AWS, this means app is on EC2 and DB on Aurora? Just to understand the current test dev env versus what is running in production. Thanks.

  • Currently the server runs on another host provider outside AWS, both DB and app. Now we want to migrate the DB only, keeping the App on the server we already have. The server is located at North Carolina. We created our DB instance in OHIO region and tried in OREGON as well with same result, it is not possible that this delay is being caused only by the distance between servers. It can have a higher overhead connection time, but I assume this would be something inside the miliseconds, not almost a second, since the difference on speed is visible without any test needed.

1 Answer

Hi Gabriel.

Is your current MySQL instance larger than the Aurora one? If so, that might be the reason you see the difference. To run a fair comparison you should have equivalent instances.

Alternatively, you might want to try Aurora Serverless.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • We're trying AURORA SERVERLESS. It is a 4 core with 6gb RAM server that runs both app and DB on the same machine. We've created a AURORA SERVERLESS with a t4g Medium machine, that should've been more than enough on my perception.

  • If you run the page queries directly to the databases, can you compare the performance of each and determine that the Aurora queries are slower? If so, can you check for missing indexes?

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