Connectivity Issues


Hello team, I'm reaching you to discover the cause of our many connectivity issues in the past week. We didn't change anything related to deployed app or instances and services on AWS, but something really weird is happening and our API(Elasticbeanstalk, EC2) is taking too long to request our DataBase(RDS SQLserver). We've taken a look and both servers API and DB are in the same Zone and their resources are very quiet therefore we suppose that something related to connectivity is happening from AWS side (us-east-1c). Please let us know if more additional info is needed. Thanks in advance for your support, Regards.

1 Answer

Sorry to hear that. I would suggest you to check AWS Health Dashboard where known issue impacting services will be posted. Please also work with AWS Support by submitting a case as they are the best resources available 24x7 for troubleshooting. People in this community don't have visibility into your accounts and resources.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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