Clip video for only one of the outputs


Hello, i have a video that i need to convert to two outputs: One is full length and the other one only the first 10secs. I know that I can specify the input clipping, but i need only one of the outputs to be clipped. Do I have to create two jobs for that or is it possible to this in one job?

Many thanks in advance

asked 2 months ago107 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Warly,

You have two options here:

  1. submit two MediaConvert jobs where one will do the full transcode and the other will do the clipped output.
  2. you can submit one MediaConvert job and once the job is completed you can trigger a lambda function with FFMPEG to clip the output produced by MediaConvert.

Since the minimum duration for billing with MediaConvert is 10 seconds by using option 1 will will only pay for the exact ammount of time that is outputted from your clipping, in this case 10 secs.

Regards Nuno

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Ok thank you! that's what i was afraid of. Is there any technical reason why it is not possible to specify output clippings? I guess i will go with two separate jobs then. Clipping them afterwards in lambda with ffmpeg contradicts the whole purpose to use media convert in the first place.

answered 2 months ago

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