Why no Instance Storage on m7i / c7i / r7i instance types?


Hi As I wrote in the question title, I'm migrating from previous instance type m6id to m7i and I cannot migrate using the same storage configuration as m7i instance type has no Instance Storage, so two questions: Is it true or am I missing something? Why is AWS not providing Instance Storage to the m7i family?

Thank in advance for your help

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asked a month ago132 views
3 Answers

Hi MGUERRERO Please Look at my answer

m7i instances in AWS don't have built-in storage like previous types. Instead, they use EBS volumes for storage. AWS likely chose this because EBS is more flexible, reliable, and consistent across different instance types. It also allows for better cost management. So, while it might be a change if you're used to instance storage, EBS brings its own benefits.

answered a month ago
  • I understand your explanation, but the reason why AWS took the decision is not clear, as the equivalent ARM instance type, m7g, has m7gd instance types, so is not only a matter of "consistency across different instance types" In the documentation / presentation of the m7i family there is not a single word of why they remove the built-in storage, and kept it on the ARM "equivalent"


Not all instance types have an Instance Store https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html

you can use AWS CLI to check the Instance Store availability (example for R7 type)

aws ec2 describe-instance-types \
    --filters "Name=instance-type,Values=r7*" "Name=instance-storage-supported,Values=true" \
    --query "InstanceTypes[].[InstanceType, InstanceStorageInfo.TotalSizeInGB]" \
    --output table

|  DescribeInstanceTypes  |
|  r7gd.xlarge   |  237   |
|  r7gd.8xlarge  |  1900  |
|  r7gd.16xlarge |  3800  |
|  r7gd.4xlarge  |  950   |
|  r7gd.medium   |  59    |
|  r7gd.metal    |  3800  |
|  r7gd.large    |  118   |
|  r7gd.2xlarge  |  474   |
|  r7gd.12xlarge |  2850  |
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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


As you are aware, as of May 2024, there are no m7i series instance types with NVMe-based volumes.

Also, AWS has not announced when it will be supported.
I think all we can do now is wait for it to be supported.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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