I received email with the following lines. Dont understand why I received this. Please explain.


You are receiving this notification because you recently registered, transferred or updated email contacts for domain(s) managed by Route 53. Due to a temporary issue verifying registrant email validity, we request that you verify the details associated with your domain(s). Please open the Amazon Route 53 console [1] to view your current contact information and make any necessary corrections to your domain(s).

The following is a list of your impacted Route 53 domain(s):

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact AWS Support [2]. 14:04 Customer

Amazon Web Services, Inc. <no-reply-aws@amazon.com

asked a year ago325 views
1 Answer

The email you received is from Amazon Web Services (AWS), specifically from their Route 53 service, which is a scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. The email is notifying you that there has been a temporary issue with verifying the email validity for the domain(s) you manage through Route 53. This could be due to a recent registration, transfer, or update of email contacts for your domain(s). They are requesting that you verify the details associated with your domain(s) by opening the Amazon Route 53 console. This is to ensure that the contact information they have on file is correct. If you have any questions or concerns, they are directing you to contact AWS Support.

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